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Wazee - June 5th-6th
06-03-2004, 11:55 AM,
Wazee - June 5th-6th
Well , as always , were headed out to Wazee again. Saturday Morning...
I think its work on our mapping project weekend...But all work and no play makes Jean a ... er ... uh...
well , a something... :-X

And of course , if the evening is nice and that full moon is out , Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh...Time to look for them walleyes! ;D

How's my diving? Call 1-800-EAT-FISH
06-04-2004, 11:55 AM,
Re:Wazee - June 5th-6th
Jean, are you guys camping overnight? I'd like to get some dives in this weekend (kitchen pass). I'm debating whether to stay around town or head down to Wazee.
06-04-2004, 03:50 PM,
Re:Wazee - June 5th-6th
I could maybe get one of my passes for Sunday. Jason, Jean or anybody else there on Sunday?

06-04-2004, 04:55 PM,
Re:Wazee - June 5th-6th
Damn, I got the weekend free to dive and my drysuit is still in the shop for neck seal replacement. Sad
06-04-2004, 09:54 PM,
Re:Wazee - June 5th-6th

ChrisW and I are going to work on our mapping project off of the main boat landing for one dive. We are staying over (hoteling it again...Yea , I'm a comfort freak... :o)
But if the weather co-operates , theres a night dive in my future for sure!!!
So Dano , we will be there Sunday Morning...Around 10ish?
(Meet at the campground?)


P.S. Gads Lonnie , sorry to hear that...If you get a chance , come on out...Rent a dry suit?
How's my diving? Call 1-800-EAT-FISH
06-05-2004, 02:59 AM,
Re:Wazee - June 5th-6th
I'll see you at the camp ground then also.
06-05-2004, 07:51 AM,
Re:Wazee - June 5th-6th
Big Grin You made my day! See you Sunday at 10, campgrounds.

06-06-2004, 07:20 PM,
Re:Wazee - June 5th-6th
I missed you guys at Wazee. I was parked at the wall (site #2) all day. We checked out the gazing ball and a couple other areas.
06-06-2004, 08:15 PM,
Re:Wazee - June 5th-6th
It figures! Jean, Chris, Will and I were at the boat launch (#3?) and Sherwood forest for a couple of "refreshing" wet suit dives.

Just got back. Got stuck in traffic from a big accident in the one lane construction zone. Had to take a detour. All in all added an hour to the drive time.


06-07-2004, 11:17 AM,
Re:Wazee - June 5th-6th
So who all was there yesterday? I was there from about noon-5pm yesterday in a green Ford Ranger. I'm not sure the name of the landing we used, but it was nearest that pay booth from the main road and we used a pretty steep, narrow walking path to get in.

I'm new to diving and this board, so I'm just wondering if I bumped in to anyone from here and don't know it. Smile

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