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Adventure Sports
11-09-2004, 09:32 PM, (This post was last modified: 08-29-2006, 09:21 AM by jasondbaker.)
Re:Adventure Sports
A buddy of mine got his advanced cert from them in July of '02.  I asked him what was written on his card and it just had the instructor#.  No sign of the store name on it so they may just use independent instructors.  I checked with PADI to see if it was an instructor in good standing (keep in mind he took the class 2 years ago) and it told me he was still current for 2004.  It doesn't say if he stuck around there though......
&quot;Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It’s what separates us from the animals…except the weasel. &quot;<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Homer J. Simpson
12-30-2004, 11:33 AM, (This post was last modified: 08-29-2006, 09:21 AM by jasondbaker.)
Re:Adventure Sports
I hate to hear such bad experiences about Adventure Sports.  I got my Open Water (PADI) certification there, and thought that Ken and Dave were excellent instructors and provided a wealth of information.  Randy was very helpful when initially registering for class, and went above and beyond in allowing my buddy to complete his classes later due to last-minute schedule conflicts.  Dave sold me a wetsuit and actually talked me out of buying anything else before getting some diving experience.  Saved me lots of $$ and agrivation.  My buddy had the opposite experience, he did buy a wetsuit but was charged twice.  Despite assurances from the store, he got no credit on his card.  That experience has soured him on Adventure Sports, so now he will not even go on a dive trip with them to Cozumel.  I have been allowed to use the pool a couple of times for free, and always been treated well, except the sales team does get a little defensive if you start comparing prices -- especially with internet pricing.  Hey, I am a business owner -- change your model or get out, but don't be mad when supply and demand works.
03-16-2006, 11:42 PM, (This post was last modified: 08-29-2006, 09:21 AM by jasondbaker.)
Re: Adventure Sports
A few weeks ago I arranged "Open Pool time on Friday" as they posted on this forum.  When I called for an appointment, the person I talked to stated that I needed to have a buddy with me.  Thanks Will for "dropping everything" as in movie night before the Great Lakes Shipwreck show.  When I arrived at the store, they asked for my C-card to verify that I was a certified diver and asked me to pay $25 for pool time?????  Where in their posting did it say anything about $$$?  I gave them the "Deer in the Headlights" look and got out my checkbook.  Later as I was suiting up to get wet, the manager presented Will and me with certificates for a free pool night due to the confusion!  So, they made it right in the end...I also heard a lot of good suggestions for the upcoming trip to South Padre TX!  Will, a big thank you again, I really had a good time working on my buoyancy control!  Once I get into the big, salty ocean though, I'm gonna need a little more weight!!
My name is Lisa and I'm a SCUBAholic. It's been toooo long since my last dive!
03-22-2006, 01:57 PM, (This post was last modified: 08-29-2006, 09:22 AM by jasondbaker.)
Re: Adventure Sports
The two experiences I've had with Adventure Sports have stunk.  The first time, I brought a co-worker there to shop for a wet suit.  It was a couple of years ago and we went there on our lunch break as it was close to work.  We were inquiring about wet suits and after about 10 minutes, a guy yells from the back to the guy working the counter “Less talking and more selling!”.  We could not believe what we heard!  Needless to say we walked out.

Another time I decided to give them another chance, mostly due to the close location to my work.  Mares issued a recall and were sending out new dive computers to replace the defective ones.  All we needed to do was bring the old one to any Mares authorized dive shop and they would send it in for a new one.  I dropped it off, paid for shipping, and waited.....and waited.....I called several times and it was never ready.  Finally after 2 and a half months they said it was ready to be picked up.  I went in, picked it up, and it was THE SAME computer that I had dropped off!

I then went and dropped it off with another dive shop and in 10 days the brand new computer was ready for me to pick up.  I have been in pretty much all the dive shops in the twin cities metro area and there is not a singe shop that I did not receive good service at, except Adventure Sports. 
03-23-2006, 10:42 AM, (This post was last modified: 08-29-2006, 09:22 AM by jasondbaker.)
Re: Adventure Sports
They still seem to have issues with price comparing. They were the first shop I visited since moving to the area. Once we brought up the prices of stuff we saw on the internet, they became very off-standish, and seemed like they didn't want us to try on their gear. In all honesty, the thought never even occurred me to use the shop for sizing to buy something online. I will pay more at a local shop - but only within reason. Its worth it to me to buy something locally, since if I have issues, I can take to the shop to make it right. We haven't been back to Adventure Sports since then.

I purchased most of my initial gear online, and used through eBay to get me started. Once I'm ready to upgrade to new gear that *I* want (i.e. not decided on b/c it was *the* cheapest one), I will likely buy it from a local shop - and the shop I will go to is one that has treated me well so far, even though I've only bought a few little things here and there.
That which does not kill you, makes you stronger.<br />Blood makes the grass grow, kill, kill, kill!
03-23-2006, 12:30 PM, (This post was last modified: 08-29-2006, 09:22 AM by jasondbaker.)
Re: Adventure Sports
I've never been to Adventure Sports but I think any LDS in general would be unhappy having a customer walk into their store and talk about the difference between online prices compared to their prices.  I'm not knocking you Sagacity but that's not something I would do nor do I feel that anyone should do that.  It's bound to rub a LDS employee the wrong way and understandably so IMHO.  Like you said your intent wasn't to try on stuff in the store and then turn around and buy it online but bringing online prices up with the LDS isn't likely to lead to hitting it off too well with them.
03-23-2006, 01:14 PM, (This post was last modified: 08-29-2006, 09:22 AM by jasondbaker.)
Re: Adventure Sports
I've never been to Adventure Sports but I think any LDS in general would be unhappy having a customer walk into their store and talk about the difference between online prices compared to their prices.  I'm not knocking you Sagacity but that's not something I would do nor do I feel that anyone should do that.  It's bound to rub a LDS employee the wrong way and understandably so IMHO.  Like you said your intent wasn't to try on stuff in the store and then turn around and buy it online but bringing online prices up with the LDS isn't likely to lead to hitting it off too well with them.

The lesson was learned with them. It had been over 15 years since being in a dive shop when we went - before Internet shopping, and I had no idea of the climate. The subject came up when they said they could price match, and we indicated the price we had found online. We now understand the climate, and don't bring up the subject of online shopping anymore. You are certainly correct on your points. My dive buddy and I are new to the SCUBA world right now (I say new for me b/c even though I was certed in 1990, I had only been on 3 dives since 1999; and never bought my own gear before)

I will say, however, there is a paradigm shift in the business with online shopping, and the LDS needs to consider that to stay in business. When I bought my wetsuits online, I didn't try on something similar in a shop, and then buy it online. When my buddy tried on suits in a shop, she bought them there when they fit right.

I shop where I get the best value - which isn't always measured in dollars and cents. There are LDS I'm happy to pay $140 for the same wetsuit I can get online for $90 - but there are LDS that act as if I'm doing something wrong by even considering buying online - as if I should be obligated to buy from the LDS.

I do agree with your points, but I am the customer, they should be trying to hit it off well with me. They're not just competing with the Internet, they're competing with other dive shops as well, and it shows poor form on their part to react negatively when a simple, "Sure you get can get a better price online, X, Y and Z are why you should get this product from us, instead of a faceless Internet retailer." Unless that shop doesn't want customers like me, in which case they accomplished their goal.  :Smile There are 4 other LDS near me, and we've bought or had gear serviced at all of them. I bought my first set of gloves online because I didn't want to pay $20 when I could pay $9 - but, I will be in the market for gloves for local diving, and its almost a guarantee I will buy those gloves from the LDS; and boots and fins - and I'll need a new mask that I'll want to ensure a good fit, etc etc etc.

EEK! I really kinda rambled a bit there! :o Sorry!  :-[

My point is just that I reward good service with my business. I may go back - but right now I have several other LDS; who treated us well, AND the Internet I'll check with before going back. Just my $0.02  ;D

P.S. This was in NO way a defensive post, I COMPLETELY agree with your points, and we probably should not have brought up things the way we did. Just kinda clarifying my view, which turned into rambling, which I'm famous for. Big Grin Think about it - this really long post, still ended up having a P.S. at the end, LOL!
That which does not kill you, makes you stronger.<br />Blood makes the grass grow, kill, kill, kill!
03-23-2006, 04:16 PM, (This post was last modified: 08-29-2006, 09:22 AM by jasondbaker.)
Re: Adventure Sports
I've only been in Adventure Sports once. I just stopped in to check it out because I worked right down the road from there at the time. As far as shops I've done business with I can say that I've only taken classes through Fantasea so far. I know and am comfortable with the instructors there and their prices always seem to be lower for classes. I've bought gear from Fantasea (with fair to not so great service and pricing), Scuba Center Eagan (with excellent service and pricing), and SeaYa in Shakopee (with excellent service and pricing). Unless I run into a reason th change my mind I will continue to take my classes with Fantasea and buy my gear at Scuba center and SeaYa. Good references are always a good reason to check out a new place though... Just my 2 cents.....
03-23-2006, 10:24 PM, (This post was last modified: 08-29-2006, 09:22 AM by jasondbaker.)
Re: Adventure Sports
It has been said time and time again on these threads. Find a shop that fits your needs. I have visited and gained tons of information from each of the LDS's in town. Some have a specialty or interest in certain areas of diving that others do not. Some are geared to set you up for tropical diving and whish you away to distant locations, others have more of a local presence and will hook you up with gear and buddies that are more suited to the local "mud puddles". What it comes down to is you must find a niche that fits your interests and your goals in this sport. Each shop is uniquely suited for a certain type of diving and training. Once you find a shop that fits what you want to do and what you want to accomplish.....SUPPORT THEM !! They do not get rich from the equipment that you buy. But by being a consistant customer, you allow them to keep filling you with air and retaining instructors to teach you new skills. I have yet to find any online shops that will teach you safety skills or better ways to do what you love to do. The people make the difference long after you have forgotten the prices. Though everyone has tried to save a few bucks in this very expensive sport, it is essential to keep your LDS in business. If your local doesn't treat you well, there are several others that would love the opportunity. We are lucky to have so many shops in this land locked area each with a different perspective on diving and each are more than willing to do what it takes to make you there customer for life.
In Life, You Either Do or You Don't. I Did! - (Wallace the Pit Bull 4/3/02-8/23/13)
03-23-2006, 11:05 PM, (This post was last modified: 08-29-2006, 09:22 AM by jasondbaker.)
Re: Adventure Sports
After reading all these posts about the service at the forementioned shop,  I almost feel sorry for them.  BUT...... this business is a service, education, and entertainment business.

Competition is always the best way to make your business better.  No one hands me money and I work hard for what I do have.  The strong survive, the weak go away, and you and I get to go wherever we feel most comfortable with.   

Mr. Pitbull put it very straight forward. 

I've walked into the shops in Florida, and I would take any of the retail help in Minnesota over most of the Florida shops.



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