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Anyone have experiance with Weezle?
05-24-2006, 09:17 PM, (This post was last modified: 05-25-2006, 04:54 AM by LKunze.)
Re: Anyone have experiance with Weezle?
I think you have to try both types and make your own decision based on that.  How warm one is wearing different undergarments varies from diver to diver.  Opinions are all over the place when it comes to comparing Thinsulate and Weezle undergarments.  I've heard and read opinions from users that have used both and some prefer the Weezle such as John and I've also heard of divers that preferred Thinsulate over the Weezle.  Without actually trying both in similar conditions you won't be able to accurately find out which one is better for you.  Also, DUI is not the only vendor that makes 400G thinsulate.  All of the high quality thinsulate material is made by 3M and there are other vendors that make undergarments from this material.  The DUI thinsulate is Grade B insulation or sometimes called "boot grade" which is very dense and does not compress as easily as other materials. Theoretically this means you'd need less gas in the suit or less "loft" in the garment to keep you warm.  On a side note I used to use 300G fleece with a 100G REI fleece top and bottom layered underneath that.  For me personally I was not as warm in that as I am in my 400G thinsulate garment however I had better mobility and was able to vent gas from my drysuit much more efficiently in the fleece.  I only wear the fleece garment now if I'm doing shallow dives in the peak of summer when the water is warmer.  Anything below 70F and I'll wear my Thinsulate.
05-24-2006, 09:52 PM,
Re: Anyone have experiance with Weezle?
Sometimes I miss wearing the 300G fleece.  I wore less weight than I do with the 400G thinsulate.  I'd like to try the weezle extreme+ sometime.  I'm such a freeze baby.  Wink  Maybe I'll have to find a buddy with a weezle and swap undies for a dive sometime.
05-25-2006, 10:23 AM,
Re: Anyone have experiance with Weezle?
Thank you guys for all the information and help. I'm thinking I'll probably end up getting the Extreme, I can always layer up under it if I need the added warmth. And just for a compairison here is an email I received back from Weezle about the differences:
Quote:     If you are a slightly cold person or doing any lengthy decompression, I'd personally go with the plus & if no to both them the Extreme Rough equivalent to Thinsulate based garments
                =  Thinsulate            Weezle weight
The Compact = 150/200 gram    actual weight = 75g
The Extreme  = 400 gram              actual weight = 170g
The Extreme+ = 600 gram            actual weight = 225g
This is a warmth rather than a  weight rating & our undersuits are much lighter than this as you can see from the actual weight given, but it should give you
something to compare
For warmer water you cold drop some lead & dive it tighter perhaps?

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