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Simple Questions from new diver
09-03-2004, 10:37 AM,
Re:Simple Questions from new diver

For sure !!! Well said Deano...
LIFE SUPPORT!!! Not an area to go discount on , for sure ...
I had a mask strap break on me this summer and it was a chore just to keep it on with my fingers...And no back-up mask with me...(bad Jean...bad...). And if nothing else , I'd rather put my money into the local LDS...I spend enough money at those other places for non-diving stuff... :Smile

Jean ;D
How's my diving? Call 1-800-EAT-FISH
09-16-2004, 05:47 PM,
Re:Simple Questions from new diver
Hey now. Quality equipment is what the issue is here not just how much it cost :Smile. When Aly and I purchase equipment we first decide what our needs are and then RESEARCH the heck out of the different options. We often find it valuable to look at some of the equipment comparisons that are done by non-biased SCUBA groups and magazines. The staff at local dive shops are also simply INVALUABLE in this process ;D!!!! Once we select the specific piece of equipment we want then we shop for best price . Don't make the mistake of thinking for one minute that the best item is the most expensive one Sad. What you should look for is quality that meets your specific needs. Remember that this is [glow=red,2,300]LIFE SUPPORT EQUIPMENT.[/glow] When it comes time to make the purchase (which as others have said is usually not cheap) remember the old proverb..... He who buys quality cries only once - simply translated if you buy the quality item first you pay up front, if you buy the inferior product it gives you nothing but trouble and ends up in the long run often costing you more (in SCUBA terms this may mean your safety).

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